Database management lecture

Title of course: Database management, lecture

Code: TTGME7008_EN

ECTS Credit points: 1


Type of teaching, contact hours

- lecture: 1 hours/week

- practice: -

- laboratory: -

Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:

- lecture: 14 hours

- practice: -

- laboratory: -

- home assignment: -

- preparation for the exam: 16 hours

Total: 30 hours

Year, semester: 1st year, 2nd semester

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of the architecture and applicability of database management systems in the geoinformatics and spatial data environment. They will gain insights into the background and possible solutions for data management problems. Students will learn the representation and tools of the basic data model types and the procedures to compose different data models to be used according to the specific requirements. They will learn basic database design principles that will help them to build, operate and maintain a consistent database system. The following topics will be covered: data models and databases, database management system, database administrators, user groups; the essence of the database approach, general data modeling concepts, abstraction, entity, property, relationship. Classification of attributes and relationships, the relational model: relational schema, relationals; constraints of the relational model - examples, functional dependency and its properties, closure of a set of attributes - examples, database design basics: Guidelines, Normal Forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF), Relational algebra, ER model structure, mapping ER model to relational model, EER model structure, mapping EER model to relational model, Object Oriented Database basic concepts, ODMG model structure, ODL language, mapping ODL schema to relational schema, Transaction and Privilege Management, Oracle Spatial concepts overview, Oracle Spatial types.


  • Ulmann, J. D. - Widom, J. 2009. Database systems: a primer. Panem, Budapest
  • Coronel, C., Morris, S. 2019: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management. Cengage. 
  • Beaulieu, A. 2020: Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data. O'Reilly Media


Participation at classes is strongly suggested. In the end of the semester there is one test. The minimum requirement for the test and the examination respectively is 50%.

Based on the score of the test, the grade for the test and the examination is given according to the following table:


Score  Grade
0-49 fail    (1)
50-64 pass  (2)
65-74 satisfactory    (3)
75-85 good    (4)
86-100 excellent


Person responsible for course: Dr. Boglárka Bertalanné Balázs, PhD, Assistant Professor

Lecturer: Dr. László Bertalan, PhD, Assistant Professor

Last update: 2024. 02. 06. 12:04