GIS softwares

Title of course: GIS-software

Code: TTGML7022_EN

ECTS Credit points: 3


Type of teaching, contact hours

- lecture: 1 hours/week

- practice: 2 hours/week

- laboratory: -

Evaluation: practical grade


Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:

- lecture: 14 hours - practice: 28 hours

- laboratory: -

- home assignment: 6 hours

- preparation for the exam: 10 hours

Total: 30 hours

Year, semester: 2nd year, 4th semester

Its prerequisite(s): -

Further courses built on it: -


Topics of course

In the course, students will learn about the feature set and the different modules of ArcGIS Pro geoinformatics software and gain insight into its potential applications by solving practical problems. They will learn about the theoretical background of object-based image processing, its application areas, the feature set of the eCognition software, segmentation techniques, classification procedures, the main toolkits, their use in the analysis of remotely sensed data and the production of thematic maps. The theoretical part of the course will cover the following topics: theoretical and conceptual background of object-based image processing; object-based approach vs. object-based image processing software, modules; applications of object-based image processing in earth and environmental sciences; image coordinate system, image features; layers, relations, segment, image object; image object hierarchy; decision tree; segmentation algorithms I.; segmentation algorithms II; class mapping algorithms I; class mapping algorithms II; accuracy checking, spatial data integration; The practical part of the course will cover the following topics: project-based geoinformatics work environment, ArcGIS Pro software environment, product support, graphical user interface; menu systems, work windows, toolbars, panels, data formats in ArcGIS Pro; adding and displaying vector and raster data, map navigation, resizing, setting layer properties, symbol attributes, layer hierarchy; vector editing, attributes, geometric relationships, filters; map layout in ArcGIS Pro; introduction to eCognition software, system requirements, installation, product support; dropdown menus, work windows, toolbars, panels, data formats in eCognition; project creation and modification, file operations; segmentation procedures; image classification, creating class maps; error matrix, integrating class maps into geoinformation systems.


Recommended literature: 


- for a signature

Attendance at classes is compulsory.

- for a grade

The final grade is calculated as the weighted average of practical examination grade (75%) and the presentation quality (25%). The minimum requirement for the the examination is 50% Students can take a retake theexamination in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.

-an offered grade

it may be offered for students if the results in the 13th week is at least satisfactory (3).

Person responsible for course: Dr. Zoltán Krisztián Túri, PhD, Assistant Professor


Last update: 2024. 02. 06. 14:57