Title of course: GIS-specific programming
Code: TTGME7010_EN TTGML7011 _EN
ECTS Credit points: 6
Type of teaching, contact hours
- lecture: 3 hours/week
- practice: 2 hours/week
- laboratory: -
Evaluation: exam
Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:
- lecture: 42 hours
- practice: 28 hours
- laboratory: -
- home assignment: -
- preparation for the exam: 78 hours
Total: 120 hours
Year, semester: 1st year, 2st semester
Its prerequisite(s): -
Further courses built on it: -
Topics of course
The aim of the course is to provide students with the most important programming skills related to spatial computing and to enable them to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The course covers the following topics: programming basics, basic steps of programming, the concept of algorithm, entry modes, structured programming, control structures, basics of Python language, operator types (relational, logical), rules of expression evaluation, syntax and operation of different types of selection and the front-end test loop, the concept of modules, their use, steps of script writing. numeric data types and the string; basic principles of object-oriented programming (object, property, method, object type variables, syntax), types of for loop and their operation, lists; the concept, need, syntax of exception handling, user input; introduction to the ArcPy package (elements of the Mapping module); Concept, properties, structure, storage options of attribute classes (shape file, geodatabase), Types of cursor objects and their use; adding a new descriptive field to an attribute class (with control), options for defining attribute values, calculations; working with text files (steps, operation types, checks), writing run results to a file; ways of storing geometric data of a feature class, object types and their methods for access; defining a new geometry and assigning it to a feature, principle of building a multigeometry, defining a new feature class for a new shape file or geoadatabase; counting with geometric data; accessing the contents and properties of raster files from code, the Spatial Analyst module.
- Gérard Swinnen (2005) Learn to program in Python, (mek.oszk.hu/08400/08435/08435.pdf)
- Wentworth, P., Elkner, J., Downey, A.B., Meyers, C. (2019) How to think like a computer scientist: learning with Python 3. University of Debrecen, Faculty of Computer Science, https://mtmi.unideb.hu/pluginfile.php/554/mod_resource/content/3/thinkc…
- Eric Pimpler (2013) Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook, Packt Publishing
- Rance D. , Necaise (2011) Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python, Wiley
- Kent D. Lee, Steve Hubbard (2015) Data Structures and Algorithms with Python, Springer
- Paul A. Zandbergen (2013) Python Scripting for ArcGIS, ESRI Press
Participation at classes is compulsory. A student must attend the courses and may not miss more than three times during the semester. In case a student does so, the subject will not be signed and the student must repeat the course. Grade is given based on the scores gained at the exam according to the following table:
Score | Grade |
0-49 fail | (1) |
50-64 pass | (2) |
65-74 satisfactory | (3) |
75-85 good | (4) |
86-100 excellent | (5) |
- an offered grade:
it may be offered for students if his/her performance at the lab tests exceeds the satisfactory level and he/she takes part at the classes actively.
- in case an offered grade cannot be given, or student declines it, there is a possibility to have an exam in the exam session.
Person responsible for course: Dr. Boglárka Balázs Bertalanné, PhD, Assisstant Professor
Lecturer: Dr. Boglárka Balázs Bertalanné, Dávid Abriha