Management skills

Title of course: Management skills

Code: TTGME7041_EN

ECTS Credit points: 3

Type of teaching, contact hours

- lecture: 2 hours/week

- practice: -

- laboratory: -

Evaluation: exam

Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:

- lecture: 28 hours - practice: -

- laboratory: -

- home assignment: -

- preparation for the exam: 16 hours

Total: 30 hours

Year, semester: 1st year, 1st semester

Its prerequisite(s): -

Further courses built on it: -


Topics of course

The aim of the course is to familiarise students with the basic characteristics and rules of the operation of business organisations and to enable them to apply them when becoming managers or researchers. The course briefly introduces the economic fundamentals and the market conditions surrounding organisations to which management must adapt, with an emphasis on the interplay between economic and management knowledge. For the majority of the course, however, we will look directly at the key areas of management of business organisations, bringing them together in an integrated, comprehensive picture. The aim is to provide students, as future managers, with an overview of the whole of organisational functioning, to place the management sub-areas in their respective contexts, and to understand their interdependence and interdependence. The aim is also to provide knowledge adapted to the specific needs of the management jobs that electrical engineering students will have in the future.


  • Ebert, Ronald J., Griffin, Ricky W. (2017) Business Essentials, Global Edition, 11/E, Pearson, London. 
  • Massingham, P. 2019. Knowledge Management: Theory in Practice, SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781473948204


- for a signature

Attendance at lectures is recommended, but not compulsory.

- for a grade

The course ends in a writing examination. The minimum requirement for the test respectively is 50%. Based on the score of the test, the grade for the test is given according to the following table:

Score  Grade
0-49 fail    (1)
50-64 pass  (2)
65-74 satisfactory    (3)
75-85 good    (4)
86-100 excellent (5)

If the score of any test is below 50, students can take a retake test in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.

Person responsible for course: Dr. András Kun, PhD, Associate Professor

Last update: 2024. 02. 02. 13:48