Maps on the WEB

Title of course: Maps on the WEB

Code: TTGME7014_EN

ECTS Credit points: 4


Type of teaching, contact hours

- lecture: 2 hours/week

- practice: 1 hours/week

- laboratory: -

Evaluation: exam


Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:

- lecture: 28 hours - practice: 14 hours

- laboratory: -

- home assignment: 28 hours

- preparation for the exam: 50 hours

Total: 120 hours

Year, semester: 2nd year, 3rd semester

Its prerequisite(s): -

Further courses built on it: -


Topics of course

The aim of the course is to introduce students to some of the ways in which map information can be communicated on the web. After completing the course, they will be able to display individual map information on a web map. The course will introduce students to the elements of the KML language and their effective use, enabling their widespread application. They will learn the basics of JavaScript and HTML in order to create maps embedded in a web page using the Google Maps API. The course will cover the following topics: online maps, exploring, testing and critiquing geospatial applications on the web; creating and sharing simple maps using Google Maps; location markers with different geometry types (point, line polygon, non-simple polygon), height management, extrusion; HTML formatting in the location marker bubbles (character formatting, links, images, tables), chaining location markers; applying custom styles (icon style, title style, line style, polygon style, bubble style, list style); definition and use of split formatting, style sheets, multigeometric placemarkers; definition and use of overlay images (ground overlay, screen overlay, photo overlay), use of image files as overlay images, types and characteristics of overlay images, alternatives for use; network links and their applications, animation using timestamps and time intervals; efficient management of large amounts of placemarks, data storage options, use of regions; map display using Google Maps API; displaying custom content on online maps using KML, event management.


  • Peterson, M.P. Web and mobile sub-mapping. Google Maps JavaScript API V3 Basics (2011) 
  • Pinde Fu, Jiulin Sun, Web GIS, Principles and applications, ESRI Press, 2011. 
  • Josie Wernecke, The KML Handbook, Addison-Wesley, 2009 
  • Alper Dincer, Balkan Uraz, Google Maps JavaScript API Cookbook, Packt Publishing, 2013. 
  • Alan M. MacEachren, Menno-Jan Kraak (2001) Research Challenges in Geovisualization, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 28:1, 3-12, DOI: 10.1559/152304001782173970


Attendance at lectures is recommended, but not compulsory. Participation at practice classes is compulsory. A student must attend the practice classes and may not miss more than three times during the semester. In case a student does so, the subject will not be signed and the student must repeat the course. Attendance at practice classes will be recorded by the practice leader. Being late is equivalent with an absence. In case of further absences, a medical certificate needs to be presented. The final grade will be the average of the practical grade and the examination grade. The minimum requirement for the end-term test and the examination respectively is 51%. Based on the score of the tests separately, the grade for the end-term tests and the examination is given according to the following table:

Score  Grade
0-49 fail    (1)
50-64 pass  (2)
65-74 satisfactory    (3)
75-85 good    (4)
86-100 excellent (5)

If the score of any test is below 51%, students can take a retake test in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.

Person responsible for course: Prof. dr. Szilárd Szabó, PhD, DSc, Full Professor

Lecturer: Dr. Marianna Bodroginé Zichar, PhD, Associate Professor

Last update: 2024. 02. 06. 14:23