Title of course: Models in geoinformatics, practice
Code: TTGML7018_EN
ECTS Credit points: 2
Type of teaching, contact hours
- lecture: -
- practice: 2 hours/week
- laboratory: -
Evaluation: practical grade
Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:
- lecture: -
- practice: -
- laboratory: 28 hours
- home assignment: 6 hours
- preparation for the exam: 10 hours
Total: 30 hours
Year, semester: 2nd year, 4th semester
Its prerequisite(s): -
Further courses built on it: -
Topics of course
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the types of models used in geoinformatics, the way of model creation, the main steps (implementation, calibration, validation) through concrete examples. They will learn and apply with confidence modelling tools that facilitate the automation of operations, such as Model Builder (ArcGIS). The course covers the following topics: types, characteristics and errors of models 1 (general introduction); types, characteristics and errors of models 2 (statistical models); regression models and their practical application through examples; Model Builder 1.Model Builder 2: practical examples, building complex models, iterations; Model Builder 3: practical examples, building complex models, iterations; modelling of areas at risk of soil erosion; watershed modelling in Model Builder, hydrodynamic transport modelling in MODFLOW.
- Mujumdar, P. P., Nagesh Kumar, D. (2013) Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling. Cambridge University Press
- Pourghasemi, H.R., Gokceoglu, C. (2019) Spatial Modeling in GIS and R for Earth and Environ-mental Sciences.
- Sanders, L. (2007) Models in Spatial Analysis (Geographical Information Systems Series (ISTE-GIS). Wiley.
- for a signature
Attendance at classes is compulsory.
- for a grade
The final grade is calculated as the weighted average of practical examination grade (75%) and the presentation quality (25%). The minimum requirement for the the examination is 50% Students can take a retake theexamination in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.
-an offered grade:
it may be offered for students if the results in the 13th week is at least satisfactory (3).
Person responsible for course: Dr. Boglárka Bertalanné Balázs, PhD, Assistant Professor
Lecturer: Dr. László Bertalan, PhD, Assistant Professor