Project management, lecture

Title of course: Project management, lecture

Code: TTGME6501_EN

ECTS Credit points: 1


Type of teaching, contact hours

- lecture: 1 hours/week

- practice: -

- laboratory: -

Evaluation: exam

Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:

- lecture: 14 hours

- practice: - - laboratory: -

- home assignment: -

- preparation for the exam: 16 hours

Total: 30 hours

Year, semester: 1st year, 1st semester

Its prerequisite(s): -

Further courses built on it: -


Topics of course

Conceptual issues of innovation. The beginnings of innovation research. Models of innovation. Types of innovation. Properties of innovations. Stages in the innovation adoption process and characteristics of each stage. Typification of innovation adopters. Consequences of innovations. Innovations in organisations. Methods of accounting for R&D activity. Spatial diffusion of innovations. R&D policy in the European Union. R&D policy in Hungary.


  • Watt, A. 2014. Project Management, BCcampus, ISBN: 9781774200131
  • Hanschke, I. (2010). Strategic IT Management :A Toolkit for Enterprise Architecture Management. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg


- for a signature

Attendance at lectures is recommended, but not compulsory.

- for a grade

During the semester students have to write an essay dealing with a selected subject of course. The course ends in a written examination. Based on the result of examination and the quality of essay, the final grade is calculated as an average of them: - the quality of the essay (15%) - the result of the examination (85%) The grade for the course is given according to the following table:

Score  Grade
0-49 fail    (1)
50-64 pass  (2)
65-74 satisfactory    (3)
75-85 good    (4)
86-100 excellent (5)

If the score of student result is below 50, students can take a new written examination in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.

Person responsible for course: Prof. dr. Gábor Kozma, PhD, DSc, Full Professor

Last update: 2024. 02. 02. 14:57