Title of course: Raster analysis
Code: TTGMG7052_EN
ECTS Credit points: 2
Type of teaching, contact hours
- lecture: -
- practice: 2 hours/week
- laboratory: -
Evaluation: practical grade
Workload (estimated), divided into contact hours:
- lecture: -
- practice: 28 hours
- laboratory: -
- home assignment: 6 hours
- preparation for the exam: 10 hours
Total: 30 hours
Year, semester: 1 st year, 1 st semester
Its prerequisite(s): -
Further courses built on it: -
Topics of course
- J. Ronald, Eastman (2010): Geospatial Informatics; IDRISI Tajga: Guide to GIS and Image Processing - IDRISI -TAJGA, Clark Labs Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA UNIGIS Educational Center - Hungary. Knowledge Publishing House ZRt.,
- Schowengerdt, R. A. (2007). Remote sensing: Models and methods for image processing. S.l.: Academic Pr.
- for a signature
Attendance at classes is compulsory.
- for a grade
The final grade is calculated as the weighted average of practical examination grade (75%) and the presentation quality (25%). The minimum requirement for the the examination is 50% Students can take a retake theexamination in conformity with the EDUCATION AND EXAMINATION RULES AND REGULATIONS.
-an offered grade:
it may be offered for students if the results in the 13th week is at least satisfactory (3).
Person responsible for course: Dr. Csaba Lénárt, PhD, scientific advisor