Researches - Department of Mineralogy and Geology

Noble gas analytical studies

Investigation of VMS-type copper deposits in the Italian Appenines and Albania
In collaboration with the Institute for Nuclear Research (Kata Temovski-Molnár, László Palcsu), the ELTE University (Gabriella Kiss, Anikó Lovász) and the Geochemical Research Institute (György Czuppon) we are performing fluid inclusion microthermometry, noble gas isotope and stable C, O, Cu, Zn isotope analyses on the volcanic massive sulfide deposits of the Appenines and the Mirdita Belt in Albania.  The aim of our studies is the better understanding of the genetics and economic potential of these deposits.

Kiss G.B., Molnár K., Benkó Zs., Skoda P., Kapui Zs., Garuti G., Zaccarini F., Palcsu L., Czuppon Gy. (2023): Tracing the Source of Hydrothermal Fluid in Ophiolite-Related Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: A Case Study from the Italian Northern Apennines. – Minerals 2023, 13(1), 8; 

Genetics of carbonatites
In tight collaboration with the Czech Geological Survey (Tomas Magna and Vladislav Rapprich) as well as with the Institute for Nuclear Research (Kata Temovski-Molnár) we are studying the genetics and rare earth element potential of carbonatites and related alkaline rocks (lamprophyres, alkaline basalts). Our methods are the fluid inclusion studies and noble gas isotope analyses of fluid inclusions in various minerals of these rocks. We are working on many deposits from all over the world (e.g. Sukulu and Tororo Complexes, Uganda; Sevattur and Samalpatti Complexes, India; Magnet Cove, USA; and the Phalaborwa Complex, South Africa).

Benkó Zs., Molnár K., Magna T., Rapprich V., Palcsu L., Pour O., Čejková B., Futó I., Czuppon Gy. (2021): Combined petrography, noble gas, stable isotope and fluid inclusion chemistry of carbonatites from Uganda: Implications for the origin of the carbonatite melt in continental rift setting. – Chemical Geology, 578, 120213,








Geochronology of magmatic rock suits
Our geochronological studies are based mainly on K/Ar radiometric age dating performed in the Institute for Nuclear Research. In the past years we have performed extensive studies on the Komló Andesite Formation (S-Hungary), on young basalt lavas from the Canari Islands, on Miocene andesitic rocks from North Macedonia, and Oligocene basalt volcanoes of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic). The post-magmatic activity has been dated by the analysis of hydrothermal minerals (illite, apophyllite) in the Velence Mts. (W-Hungary) or on the Deccan shield volcano (India). 

Ottens, B., Schuster R., Benkó Zs. (2022): The Secondary Minerals from the Pillow Basalt of Salsette-Mumbai, Deccan Volcanic Province, India. – Minerals 2022, 12(4), 444; 
Somogyi D. (2023): Kora-miocén andezitek K-Ar kormeghatározása a Mecsek-hegységben. – OTDK dolgozat. DE, Ásvány és Földtani Tanszék.

Dating of low-grade metamorphism of slates by K/Ar radiometric age dating 
K/Ar radiometric dating of metamorphism or diagenesis of slates and sandstones is usually performed on autigenic illite crystals, that grow during the metamorphic processes. We are performing the radiometric dating under strong mineralogical control (X-ray powder diffraction) in collaboration with the University of Pécs (Tibor Németh). Our study areas are the W-Bükk Mts., the Boda Claystone Formation, the Nekézseny thrust fault, (all in Hungary), as well as the anchimetamorphic rocks of the Dinarides in Croatia and the Hegyes Mts. in Roumania.

Mészáros E., Varga A., Raucsik B., Benkó Zs., Heincz A., Hauzenberger C.A. (2019): Provenance and Variscan low grade regional metamorphism recorded in slates from the basement of the (SW Hungary). – International Journal of Earth Sciences. 108. 1571–1593.







Geometric morphometric analysis of teeth outlines

Teeth, due to their resistant enamel cover, are the most readily fossilized elements of vertebrates. Their outline shape can be studied objectively using an automated methodology based on landmark points and elliptical Fourier descriptors. The main aims of the project are to solve different taxonomic and evolutionary issues. The research protocol (developed in the framework of a project supported by the NKFIH FK 128741 grant) was able to help us in revealing the phylogenetic relationships of several biostratigraphically and paleoecologically important Quaternary small vertebrates (ground squirrels and voles), and in studying the shape variability of the teeth-like elements of Upper Triassic (ca. 220 million years old) extinct jawless vertebrates (conodonts).

Most important related publications:
Pazonyi, P., Virág, A., Podani, J., Pálfy, J. (2018): Microtus (Microtus) nivaloides from the Somssich Hill 2 site (southern Hungary): An Early Pleistocene forerunner of modern 'true' Microtus voles revealed by morphometric analyses. Quaternary International 481, pp. 61-74.,

Sinitsa, M., Virág, A., Pazonyi, P., Knitlová, M. (2019): Redescription and phylogenetic relationships of (Rodentia: Sciuridae: Xerinae), a ground squirrel from the Middle Pleistocene - Holocene of Central Europe. Historical Biology 33, pp. 19-39.,



The basic steps for the outline analysis of the tooth-like element of an extinct jawless vertebrate.

Microwear scar analysis of various vertebrates

Morphological variability of teeth are mainly caused by dietary adaptations. The microwear scars on the surface of their teeth provide information on the alimentary habits of the animal, thus, especially in the case of herbivores, on the former vegetation in their direct environment. The wear pattern can also help in revealing the jaw mechanism. During this research, we focused so far on the most abundant Quaternary large herbivores of the Carpathian Basin (proboscideans and cervids). Based on the microwear features of their teeth, we were able to gain information on the climatic and vegetational changes during the past 2.6 million years.

Most important related publications:
Szabó, B., Virág, A. (2021): Wearing down the constraints of low magnification tooth microwear analysis: reproducibility and variability of results based on extant ungulates. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 95, pp. 515-529.,

Szabó, B., Pazonyi, P., Tóth, E., Magyari, E., Kiss, G., Rinyu, L., Futó, I., Virág, A. (2020): Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Carpathian Basin based on multiproxy analysis of cervid teeth. Historical Biology 33, pp. 1-20.,

Various types of microwear scars that can occur on the enamel surface of deer teeth

Tooth histology of various vertebrates

The fine inner structure of the tooth enamel and dentine are both defined by the mechanical necessities, which arise during the occlusion, but studying these features can also aid phylogenetic reconstruction. Revealing the enamel microstructure helped us in the taxonomic identification of Quaternary elephantids. Examining the microstructure of the dentine in their tusks helped us to understand the emergence of a unique feature (the Schreger pattern) among vertebrates, and to identify the material of ivory carvings by a non-destructive method. Due to a histological research, our knowledge on the approximately 85 million years old neornithischian dinosaurs from Iharkút was further expanded.

Most important related publications:
Virág, A., Ősi, A. (2017): Morphometry, Microstructure, and Wear Pattern of Neornithischian Dinosaur Teeth From the Upper Cretaceous Iharkút Locality (Hungary). Anatomical Record 300, pp. 1439-1463.,

Virág, A. (2012): Histogenesis of the unique morphology of proboscidean ivory. Journal of Morphology 273, pp. 1406-1423.,




Models of dentinal tubule orientation in an elephantid tusk

Investigation of community-distorting effects of accumulation by predatory activity in case of small vertebrates

The examination of small vertebrates remains found in Quaternary terrestrial sediments highly facilitates the paleoecological research, thereby understanding the climate changes that took place during the last 2.6 million years. We can deduce the composition of the environment in those times by statistical analysis of the found fossil fauna. However, the assemblage recovered from the site does not necessarily represent the former small mammal community, as the accumulation of the found bones could derived from different processes. Predators have different ecological needs and, in consequence, have different preferences. The aim of the project is to determine the level of distortion caused by owls, that are highly responsible for the accumulation of small mammal remains by their nutrition. This is studied by taphonomic analysis of recent biological samples and fossil material.

Small vertebrates from the Upper Pleistocene sediments of the Vaskapu Cave (Bükk Mts., Hungary)

Examination of the geological conditions of shallow geothermal energy utilization

Geothermal heat pump systems can be widely installed, the sizing, economical and environmentally friendly utilization can be optimized based on the geological and environmental conditions. In the course of our research, we examine the spatial and temporal variability of the characteristics affecting installiability and production, including changes in the thermal characteristics of the heat storage medium, soil temperature analysis, and the effect of construction and operation of primary loop of heat pump system on the temperature of the geological medium.

The obtained results are suitable to specify the economic potential of heat pump energy utilization in a given area accurately, and renewable energies can support each other as a local energy supply alternative.

Related publications:
Buday, T., Bódi, E., McIntosh, R., Kozák, M.: Geoinformatic background of geothermal energy utilisation and its applications in East Hungary.
Acta geogr. Debr., Landsc. environ. ser. 10 (3-4), 145-152, 2016.

Buday, T., Lázár, I., Bódi, E., Kovács, T., Novák, T. (2019): Klímaváltozás várható hatása a talajklímára Magyarországon. In: Tájak működése és arculata. Szerk.: Fazekas I., Lázár I., MTA DTB Földtudományi Szakbizottság, Debrecen, 27-33, 2019. ISBN: 9789637064395




Installability map of soil collectors around Debrecen

Installability map of soil collectors around Debrecen

Hydrogeological and geothermal researches in East Hungary

The role of groundwater is significant in terms of underground transport processes, as well as natural and artificial water and heat utilization. With the increase in geological knowledge, the process and effect of natural and artificial phenomena can be specified more and more precisely. In our research we build geological and hydrogeological models of local and subregional sample areas based on hydrogeological logs, seismic measurements, and groundwater level data sets; and also investigate the possibility of a sequence stratigraphic approach besides lithological division.

Related publications:
Buday-Bódi, E., Ali, I., McIntosh, R.W., Fehér, Zs.Z., Csajbók, J., Juhász, Cs., Radócz, L., Szilágyi, A. and Buday, T (2022): Subregion-Scale Geothermal Delineation Based on Image Analysis Using Reflection Seismology and Well Data with an Outlook for Land Use. Sustainability 14, no. 6: 3529.

Buday, T., Szűcs, P., Kozák, M., Püspöki, Z., McIntosh, R.W., Bódi, E., Bulátkó, K. (2015): Sustainability aspects of thermal water production in the region of Hajdúszoboszló-Debrecen, Hungary. Environ Earth Sci 74, 7511–7521.

Joint interpretation of well-logs and seismic data

Joint interpretation of well-logs and seismic data

Kozmokémiai Kutatócsoport / Cosmochemistry Research Group

A Kozmokémiai Kutatócsoport Dr. Gucsik Arnold címzetes egyetemi docens vezetésével alakult meg. Arnold több évtizede foglalkozik kozmokémiai és asztromineralógiai kutatásokkal (ld. bővebben itt).

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    Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:24