Projektek - Társadalomföldrajzi és Területfejlesztési Tanszék

Increasing the Capacity of Freight Transportation Instrastructure on EU-Ukraine Borders

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2022. december 8.

"Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects" - online kerekasztal beszélgetés

Letölthető előadások:

  1. Khrystyna Prytula, Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRD NANU, Ukraine,
    «Institutional and economic factors of the development of freight transportation across the Ukraine-EU border: analysis of main trends and problems»
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  2. Anna Maksymenko, Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRD NANU, Ukraine,
    «The Underlying Trends in Road and Rail Freight Traffic Flows across Ukraine-Poland and Ukraine-Slovakia Border»
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  3. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Iwona Krzyżewska, Katarzyna Chruzik, Dariusz Trojszczak, Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation, WSB University, Poland,
    «Current situation at Polish-Ukrainian border crossing points»
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  4. Daniel Michniak, Director of the Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia,
    «Transport infrastructure in Slovakia as a precondition for the development of freight transport flows between Slovakia and Ukraine»
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  5. Yaroslava Kalat, Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRD NANU, Ukraine,
    «The transport and logistics infrastructure of Ukraine on the border with Hungary and Romania: analysis of the current state and bottlenecks»
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  6. Klara Czimre, Zsófia Szaniszló, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Planning, University of Debrecen, Hungary,
    «Transportation facilities across the Hungarian-Ukrainian border: an analysis of the existing infrastructural background»
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  7. Florentina Chirodea, Constantin-Vasile Ţoca, Ioana Bordeianu, Department of International Relations and European Studies, University of Oradea, Romania,
    «The Romanian-Ukrainian freight traffic flows. An evaluation of current situation»
    download the presentation

2023. március 15.

Assessment of the Throughput Capacity of Checkpoints for Freight Transportation on the Ukrainian-EU Land Border and Prospects for its Development - Analytical Report

2023. május

Based on the research results of the throughput capacity of the border infrastructure along the Ukraine-EU border and the Round table, the project participants prepared and disseminated to key stakeholders an Analytical Report.
According to the results of the study of the development of the infrastructure of multimodal transportation in Ukraine in the context of the change of transport and logistics routes in the conditions of war an Analytical Report.

2023. június 22.

“Multimodal terminals on the territory of Ukraine and neighboring EU countries” - online kerekasztal beszélgetés

A kerekasztal-beszélgetésen a projektpartnerek bemutatták az Ukrajnában és a szomszédos uniós országokban zajló multimodális szállítással kapcsolatos kutatási eredményeket, az átrakodási infrastruktúra fejlesztését, különös tekintettel a határ menti régiókra, valamint a multimodális terminálok fejlesztéséhez szükséges szervezeti és jogi környezet jelenlegi helyzetét és fejlesztési kilátásait Ukrajnában, Lengyelországban, Szlovákiában, Magyarországon és Romániában.


Letölthető előadások:

  1. Maryana Melnyk, Department of Spatial Development, IRR NASU, Ukraine,
    «Institutional framework and features of multimodal transportation infrastructure development in Ukraine»
    download the presentation
  2. Iryna Leshchukh, Department of Spatial Development, IRR NASU, Ukraine,
    «The infrastructure of multimodal transportation in Ukraine - EU cross-border area : obstacles and prospects for development»
    download the presentation
  3. Iwona Krzyżewska, Department of Transport and Informatics, WSB University, Poland,
    «Multimodal terminals in Poland – analysis and assessment»
    download the presentation
  4. Daniel Michniak, Director of the Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia,
    «Multimodal terminals in Slovakia as a factor of the development of freight transport flows between Slovakia and Ukraine»
    download the presentation
  5. Klára Czimre, ZsófiaSzaniszló, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Planning, University of Debrecen, Hungary,
    «Towards multimodality along the Hungarian-Ukrainian border: the case of the East-West Gate Intermodal terminal»
    download the presentation
  6. Florentina Chirodea, Constantin-Vasile Ţoca, Department of International Relations and European Studies, University of Oradea, Romania,
    «Development of multimodal/intermodal terminals in Romania. Current status and future strategies»
    download the presentation

2023. június

The article "Adapting Multimodal Transport Infrastructure to Changes in Transport and Logistics Routes", prepared by the project participants, can be viewed here.

2023. július


2023. november 13-14.



A rendezvény szervezői a WSB Egyetem (Lengyelország), az Ukrán Nemzeti Tudományos Akadémia Dolisnij Regionális Kutatási Intézete (Ukrajna), a Szlovák Tudományos Akadémia Földrajzi Intézete (Szlovákia), a Debreceni Egyetem (Magyarország), a Nagyváradi Egyetem (Románia) voltak. Ez már a harmadik nyilvános rendezvény a projekt keretében.

A konferencia során a projektpartnerek bemutatták az Ukrajna-EU határ mentén húzódó árufuvarozási folyosók infrastruktúrájának fejlesztésére irányuló kutatás eredményeit. Ez magában foglalta az áruszállítás logisztikai útvonalainak kialakítását, a határmenti infrastruktúra kapacitásának növelését, a multimodális szállítás előmozdítását Ukrajnában és a szomszédos uniós országokban, valamint a zöld technológiák és innovációk alkalmazását az áruszállításban és a multimodális terminálokban.

Letölthető előadások:

  1. Khrystyna Prytula, Cross-Border Cooperation Sector, IRR NASU, Ukraine,
    «Development of border infrastructure in the Ukraine-EU cross-border space: a systematic approach»
    download the presentation
  2. Iwona Krzyżewska, Department of Transport and Informatics, WSB University, Poland,
    «Development of TEN-T corridors in Poland: past and ongoing projects»
    download the presentation
  3. Daniel Michniak, Director of the Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia,
    «Prospects of building freight transport infrastructure between Slovakia and Ukraine»
    download the presentation
  4. Florentina Chirodea, Constantin-Vasile Ţoca, Department of International Relations and European Studies, University of Oradea, Romania,
    «Best practices, government support and investment programs for the development of green and sustainable transport infrastructure in Romania»
    download the presentation
  5. Maryana Melnyk, Iryna Leshchukh, Department of Spatial Development, IRR NASU, Ukraine,
    «Logistical potential for ensuring the resilience of the economic system of Ukraine in the face of global challenges»
    download the presentation
  6. Klára Czimre, Zsófia Szaniszló, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Planning, University of Debrecen, Hungary,
    «Cross-border cooperation development between Hungary and Ukraine in the context of granting Candidate status for EU membership to Ukraine»
    download the presentation
  7. Yaroslava Kalat, Department of Spatial Development, IRR NASU, Ukraine,
    «National legislation of Ukraine in the field of cross-border cooperation: harmonization with EU law»
    download the presentation

2023. december - 2024. február

Based on the research results of the development opportunities for "green" transportation in Ukraine, the project participants prepared and disseminated to key stakeholders a Scientific and Analytical Report.


supported by Visegrad Fund+

Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 04. 02. 11:45